Starbucks innovates new offerings and tests with its store partners (baristas) before scaling

Starbucks innovation team employs various methods in different phases to capture partner feedback which is then analysed, synthesized and used to redesign its products before being rolled out to its stores worldwide.

Starbucks needs to run workshops that captures precise data, keeps participants engaged and is easy to learn and adapt to strengthen its innovation testing process

Starbucks is hindered from running effective workshops due to limitations to methods & tools, the digital infrastructure on partner end, and inexperienced facilitators

Starbucks is hindered from running effective workshops due to limitations to methods & tools, the digital infrastructure on partner end, and inexperienced facilitators

Workshop methods that engage participants in fun activities, allowing anonymous data sharing for analysis & synthesis is essential

Workshop methods that engage participants in fun activities, allowing anonymous data sharing for analysis & synthesis is essential

Starbucks should adopt workshop methods optimized for different mediums and use cases, that engage participants in fun activities where data is anonymously shared and relayed into analysis synthesis phase.

Starbucks should adopt workshop methods optimized for different mediums and use cases, that engage participants in fun activities where data is anonymously shared and relayed into analysis synthesis phase.

Introducing SBX Brew which consist of
VBO Framework, Resonance Test and Forcefield

VBO (Values, Benefits & Options) Framework, created for Starbucks to accurately determine the focus of its testing. It facilitates the application of the proposed Resonance Test and Forcefield analysis tool kits at various levels of abstraction within the VBO Framework during workshops.

Values, Benefits & Options framework helps Starbucks' innovation testing team clarify testing goals and optimize workshop preparation

The Values, Benefits & Options framework allows Starbucks' innovation testing team to clearly define their testing objectives and position themselves on an abstraction scale of values, benefits and options, enhancing the preparation of workshop content and testing materials.

Values are the principles that guide partner behavior and decisions. Ex: agency

Benefits refer to the positive effects or advantage of an innovation. Ex: saves time

Options are the different choices available in an innovation. Ex: milk steamer

“When I'm doing evaluative research, I make sure that there is some sort of forcing of priorities and clarify the things that really rise to the top because as I always joke - I can't just turn to my client 'they liked it.' Teasing out detail to me is the key part of evaluative research.”

-Chris Kann

Resonance Test enables partners to prioritize their feedback, sparking deeper conversations in workshops

Two test criteria's may be rated similarly but that does not tell us anything about the partners preference, while a resonance test helps us do just that. It acts as a spring board to elicit deeper conversations with the partners based on their rankings.

Resonance Test adoption resulted in

Richer Insights

Richer Insights

Forced ranking helps understand priorities and rationale.

Real time consumption data would promote conscious usage.
Tracking appliance usage aids in identifying energy-intensive devices and encourages efficient usage.

Everybody is Heard

Everybody is Heard

Allowing partners to silently record their viewpoints ensures every voice is heard and fosters deeper group conversation during the workshop.

Improved turnaround time with its customers.
Share payment reminders and personalized power saving tips with customers

Flexibility Across Use Cases

Flexibility Across Use Cases

The toolkit is adaptable across values, benefits or options scale making it useful for all kinds of workshop scenarios.

Forcefield helps identify how the innovation is performing

Forcefield helps identify how the innovation is performing

The forcefield activity helps participants distinguish between elements that enhance task performance (forces for) and those that hinder it (forces against).

The forcefield activity helps participants distinguish between elements that enhance task performance (forces for) and those that hinder it (forces against).

Forcefield ensures

Easy to Instruct & Learn

Intuitive for participants to learn & share inputs under forces for and forces against buckets.

Real time consumption data would promote conscious usage.
Tracking appliance usage aids in identifying energy-intensive devices and encourages efficient usage.

Smooth Transition to Synthesis

The data is provided in an actionable format for synthesis.

Improved turnaround time with its customers.
Share payment reminders and personalized power saving tips with customers

Adaptable Across Mediums

It is easily adaptable to different mediums enabling smoother workshop facilitation.

Starbucks innovation team is now able to run workshops effectively and carry the data into analysis and synthesis phase smoothly


Secondary Research

Research Papers | Online blogs | Existing tool kits | Books | Journals

What works for facilitators may not necessarily work for the participants. Tools that work across stakeholders and use cases must be recreated.

Secondary research to understand the best practices of capturing data effectively, conducting workshops and pitfalls to avoid was conducted. Workshop toolsets were explored and audited to get to understand what works, what does not and why.

Primary Research

Straight Interviews : 5 | Contextual inquiry : 1

The rule of thumb is to pretend they're all eight years old, everybody in the room and you just want to keep things really as simple as possible
-Sari Gluckin

Subject Matter Experts with vast amount of workshop facilitation experience were interviewed to get first hand insights on effectively conducting workshops in fast paced environments.


Data Coding | Clustering | Needs to Specs

A successful workshop is where conversations are sparked between participants, ideas freely flow and point of views are exchanged.

Coding was used to organise data collected through primary research and identify patterns across SME interviews.


Easy to learn, adaptable across mediums and capturing accurate feed back were core factors considered during the team ideation phase.

Ideation + Prototyping

Ideation was supported with multiple quick prototypes to fail fast and create multiple iterations.

Multiple prototypes on tabloid and A4 sheets were created along with digital versions to ensure it is usable across mediums.


" Ever since doing the resonance test, I’ve been thinking about what I value in an espresso machine during my day to day…even things I hadn’t previously considered "

The tools were tested with baristas and feedback recorded was used to reshape the tools.

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Ready to Elevate Your Project?

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Ahmed © 2025.

Ready to Elevate Your Project?

Let's bring your design vision to life.

Ahmed © 2025.